Wow! It is cold here! Having arrived 3 weeks ago I have finally started adjusting to the freezing weather (some days -20 degrees!)

Upon arrival, the adjustment to life here was difficult, being so far away from home and not knowing anybody. However, it now feels very much like home. It has been great to meet people from all over the world and attend classes that are very different to back home. There was lots of opportunities within the first couple of weeks to attend events to get to know people and talk about your cultures back home which was great. Studying the geography of Canada is super interesting, with it being such a vast country there is lots to talk about and learn. Studying is different to back home; there are lots of quizzes and facts we need to learn, with more frequent assignments, but there is equally lots of support available for these, to ensure you do the best you can.

I have been fortunate enough to have made a few trips so far, having attended a day hike to Webster falls (see photo above), which was amazing! The views were incredible, with lots of icicles and frozen rivers along the way, with the falls itself being super pretty. Yesterday a group of us headed to Niagara falls and it certainly didn’t disappoint! It is huge, and we were very lucky to see parts of it frozen! Honestly one of the most amazing things I have ever seen! We have also been to see the Ice hockey a couple of times as well as the basketball. It is great to see such an atmosphere at these events, with the band playing and national anthems being sung. In the next few weeks we have a few trips planned, with one hopefully being a weekend in Toronto! It will be great to see how the city compares to where we are in London.

I am super excited to continue exploring parts of Canada and hopefully America too, as we sit so close to the boarder! I can’t believe how quickly 3 weeks has gone by!



Arrived in Canada!

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