My Virtual Internship experience with Think Pacific!

My name is Lucie Huxtable and I’m currently in my second year studying education and psychology. Over the past 8 weeks I have completed a virtual internship with Think Pacific, immersing myself into an incredible programme where I was able

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Think Pacific Summer Internship

Hello, my name is Jessica Ratcliffe, and I am a second year BSc Biomedical Sciences student. As I am interested in perusing science communications in the future, I was looking for an opportunity over the summer to get some work

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Contributing to a good cause while working virtually

Bula! My name is Aditi Dutta and I just completed my Master’s course on Data Science from the University of Southampton. This pandemic has brought many changes to our daily routine and most of us feel bored while staying at

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An International Internship During a Global Pandemic

My experience of Think Pacific’s virtual internship Bula! My name is Helena, and I am going into my fourth year of studying MSci Marine Biology with study abroad. Over the last few months, Iā€™m sure like me, you have spent

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Why would I recommend Think Pacific virtual internship?

As a graduate student studying economics and finance, it is my pleasure to have the opportunity to receive a scholarship to support my virtual internship at Think Pacific- a non-profit organization dedicated to Fuji to make a global impact with

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Think Pacific – Virtual Internship

My name is Anna and I am about to go into my 3rd year studying BSc Biology. Over the Summer of 2020, for 8 weeks, I took part in a Virtual Internship with Think Pacific. Think Pacific usually delivers student

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