The City of Tribes: Galway and My Year Abroad

Hi, my name is Jamie Selwood, and I’m a Film Studies student! From August 2023 to May 2024 I was on my year abroad in the city of Galway, Ireland. The city is often referred to as The City of

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My year in the foothills of the Pyrénées.

I had no idea where to start looking for a job on my Year Abroad! The suggestion was to look through old job adverts on blackboard and I found several that looked interesting, so I sent out as many emails

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Contributing to a good cause while working virtually

Bula! My name is Aditi Dutta and I just completed my Master’s course on Data Science from the University of Southampton. This pandemic has brought many changes to our daily routine and most of us feel bored while staying at

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Semester abroad: Penn State (1)

After endless forms, sorting accommodation, enrolling in modules, organising travel etc the date finally came around to fly out to the US for my semester abroad at The Pennsylvania State University. With a lucky free upgrade to business class I

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This is America: Studying in Washington D.C.

Over the last academic year, I have been studying in Washington D.C., United States of America. Before flying out there, all I could think is ‘how on earth am I going to survive?’ And now, having spent just under 2

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The Study Abroad Team Visits Bergen, Norway

Hello! As Study Abroad and Exchange Coordinator (Outgoing International and Erasmus), I spend Monday – Friday 08:30 – 17:00 helping send University of Southampton students abroad as part of their degree or for Summer Schools. This is a job I

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