Over the past two weeks I’ve had the chance to be visited by my cousins on my Ma’s sister’s side – Liam and Erin, and visit my Ma’s brother’s side of the family – Dany, Donna and Marika; and of course Dylan was there both times. Choosing Australia was hugely influenced by my family out here, and having a chance to spend more than 3 weeks every 2 years with them. I know I’m hugely lucky being able to take a short flight and see my family.
So, some highlights!
Whilst Liam, Erin and Dylan were staying we didn’t do that many touristy stuff, but I did show them the River Torrens, around campus, Rundle Mall (with the famous balls and pigs!) and a night out in Adelaide.
Dylan and I also went to visit the Museum of South Australia with Grai and Molly which we really liked! Given history museums are my favourite out of any type, I definitely want to return. We didn’t end up paying to see an exhibit on ‘National Geographic Photography of the Year’, but it seems that they have special shows every month or so, so maybe I’ll go back and actually fork up money (I’m such a cheap student…!).

We had some great meals out as well, and it was lovely to be given the chance to show off where I live again to family. Dylan had a 5am start after sleeping through his alarm (lucky I set one), and headed off to Cairns. Donna, my aunt, very kindly invited me up to join them on the weekend and so my first spontaneous weekend trip of the semester commenced…!
I also had a 5am start and landed in Cairns a few hours later to be greeted by my aunt. The next few days were relaxing and sunny. We drove up to the Tablelands north of Cairns and visited a market before going to Lake Barrine where we did a 5k walk around the lake after having tea and scones – very English of us…! We briefly saw fireworks and music at a ukulele festival before a Greek dinner.
On Sunday we went up to Green Island, which supposedly we’d been to before years ago – I didn’t remember this but Dylan did. It was so beautiful and reminded me how beautiful the Barrier reef is – I’m looking forward to diving there again in November! On Monday Marika (and Remi) had to sadly return back to work, so Donna, Dany, Dylan and I drove north again to the Daintree river where we went on a crocodile cruise and joined in with a new tourist thing on a particular beach where people have started stacking rocks together.

I’m writing this whilst on the plane back to Adelaide, and as much as I’m looking forward to being back in Urbanest with everyone, I do hate saying goodbyes to family. I should finish planning September half term soon though to have that focus of visiting lots of family, family friends and travelling.

I’ve seen three people on Facebook in the past few days posting about the start of their semesters/years abroad and I’m excited for them to start. I kind of feel a bit like I’m in a dream, experiencing Australia and travelling and sunshine and new people – why doesn’t everyone do this?! If you’ve got the chance, go for it – Alanis, I’m talking to you…!
Happy reading,
P x
Thanks you Phoebe to take time to write, I know it takes time, I did that too when I travel in South Africa, but it’s really likeable to read you.
I’m looking forewards to your next post,
Miss you xx Pauline