It has now been over three weeks since I made the lengthy journey across the Atlantic pond. Let me give you some advice, if you are on somewhat of a tight travel schedule do not fly to Toronto. The airport security staff are professional and courteous. However, don’t let their delightful personality lead you astray as they are also packing a 15-round, model 5946, double action handgun, no doubt with “itchy trigger fingers”. As soon as you divulge the information that you will remain in Canada for more than a three week period, this is when the officials become faintly aloof. Immediately being ushered from queue to queue, whist being asked ridiculous questions about my intentions in Canada. Thankfully, after a long two hours since touching down in Toronto, I was issued my Student Permit and I was on my way. Now, being the unorganised, tardy man that has been a trait of mine since I was born, I failed to think of any delays I might endeavour and therefore resulting in me missing my booked bus to London. The real hero of that day was a middle aged bus driver named Earl, who kindly let me on the later bus.

Since arriving at London, Ontario, I have ventured into a number of the Canadian population’s most popular pastime. As Ice Hockey is the national sport of Canada I thought that was the most appropriate hobby to begin with. After all beer, hot dogs and macho fights was right up my street and hockey was the sport where all that plus more was possible. ‘The London Knights’ is the closest ice hockey team to me, their stadium instantly attracted me and it had absolutely nothing to do with the fact it was called ‘Budweiser Gardens’. It was the first game of the season for the Knights and they was hosting the Windsor Spitfires, in which I was sure would be an exhilarating experience for me and my English friends. After an evenly fought game the Knights fell short and the Windsor Spitfires took home the victory. But, that didn’t matter, the experience of sipping on a watered down $9.00 pint of Budweiser, whilst watching fully grown men attempted to knock each others’ front teeth out over a small puck was worth every cent.

Before I came out here I told anyone who politely asked me what do I hope to gain out of my Canadian experience is that I will explore the prepossessing sights of Niagara Falls. So, I thought I may as well practise what I preached. At first I was sceptical about travelling all that way to see merely a overly large water fountain. Yet, as soon as we rocked up to Niagara in our hired out car I was star-struck at the falls shear beauty. Although it did turn out that I was in fact looking at the wrong part of the fall, but anyway that is a story for another blog. After quickly googling the history of Niagara Falls in the car, so I didn’t look dull in front of my British peers, I discovered that the Falls is one of the 7 Wonders of the World. I would highly recommend to any travel bugs out there to visit Niagara, although once you go past the main attraction and onto the high streets it is almost as if you have miraculously made the journey to Blackpool, on a boozy stag do. However, the cheesey fun fairs, mini golf courses and hooters restaurants are very enjoyable. Any cultured, more outgoing man would enjoy the tacky vibes of the Niagara strip, but it just doesn’t fit in with Niagara Falls’ rustic setting.

Some say going on an a year abroad will change ones’ attributes. Well due to steep prices of beer and the lacking of a decent priced ‘crate’ I have more often than not dabbled into drinking bottles of wine before going to the fine local bar establishments of London. Do I like the taste? you might be thinking whilst reading this, the answer is, no, I do not but for $9,99 per bottle, including tax, is the best option I have discovered at the moment. That is until Monday nights in ‘Jack’s’ where it’s $1 beers, anyone would feel like they are on top of the world. That is until checking their bank account the next day discovering a substantial loss of money and dignity.


Hope you enjoyed this censored blog about what I have been up to, till next time.


Jack Herbert

Herbert Travel Agency and CO



The Three W’s: Wine, Women and Waterfalls

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