When I arrived in Singapore in August I had no idea what to expect. Stepping out of the airport into the insane humidity was certainly a shock at first, but I found that the weather was something I could get used to pretty quickly if that was the price to pay to be living somewhere so beautiful. Singapore is sometimes referred to as the ‘garden city’ and it’s easy to see why – every building is surrounded by greenery and, despite how man-made everything is, when you walk around Singapore you still feel as if you’re in the middle of a jungle.

I have been so lucky to meet so many amazing, like-minded people while on my exchange here, including my very international flat made up of other exchange students. One major benefit of an exchange is that it allows you to meet people from all over the world, which provides for some amazing holiday opportunities to take advantage of in the future! Living with other students has also been so much fun and there is something comforting about being surrounded by people who are in the same boat as you. One thing that is very different here is that it is common for students to share rooms – a necessity in my case as renting an individual room is so expensive. I was very apprehensive at first as I tend to value my own space, but it was amazing how easily we all adapted to our new living situation and I have actually really enjoyed having a roommate to share the whole experience with.

Singapore surprises me every day and living here has been brilliant so far. I just feel so lucky to know that I’m able to come back after Christmas to spend another semester here and make even more memories.

See you again soon Singapura

First Semester Over in Singapore

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