With just under two weeks left for my time in Canada I find myself wondering where the time has gone. I’m sad that it is coming to end, but also I am very excited to go home and see everyone! Having just about got used to Canada it is going to seem strange going back but spill back into the normal routine in no time. Over the last few weeks we have had the first snow of the season and -11 temperatures, which made the walk to my 9:30 lab very cold. Classes has finished for the semester and after a weekend attempting to ice skate in Toronto all that is left exams school-wise.

My idea for this blog was to give a bit of advice to anyone who’s thinking about going applying or is going on abroad. Simply, the best piece advice that I think I can give is just to do it. As cliché as it sounds, this is best thing that you can do. One of the common things that people find, and that I certainly experienced, is that they are apprehensive about going.  The thing is that it is completely natural to be apprehensive before you go. Everyone is unsure about leaving the familiar things behind and to be entirely comfortable would be strange in itself.

I feel that this is the best advice that I can give, anything else kind of falls at the way side. I have found that despite all the ‘useful’ articles you read about going abroad the best way to get ready is to come with an open mind and in the mindset to get the most out of it. For me, this has been the definition of learning by doing.

I’m in the middle of exams and dissertation work so the rest of the blog post is pictures that I have taken over my time which hopefully give an idea of what I’ve been up to and what life out here is like. On wards from here is exams, New York and then back home for Christmas!

Thank you for reading!



The last weekend of term spent well.
The excitement of ice skating was high
The first snow of the year – this was a very cold photo to take despite the sun!
Niagara falls – it seems ages ago now
The best way to spend the hottest of my time here
Random adventuring at what looks like the sea, but is in fact a lake.
A truly awe-inspiring sight
Wouldn’t be Canada without a bear warning
Getting the full Canadian experience at the pep rally.
Johnston Hall in the evening – my favourite building on campus
The lights of Toronto
More lights
A very special view, especially as it was an AirBnB.


Instagram: @harrygriffiths4

The Final Post

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