
I’m Max, and in a few weeks I will be entering my third year pursuing a BSc in Environmental Geoscience. Over the summer, I was given the incredibly beneficial opportunity of completing a remote internship with Think Pacific. This was a transformative experience, allowing me to delve deep into Fiji’s vulnerability to climate change and explore the intricacies of carbon offsetting. Throughout this journey, I’ve come to appreciate the significance of sustainable solutions and alternative approaches in the face of environmental challenges. Here, I’ll share my insights on the carbon offsetting project, daily experiences I had, and the highlights of this opportunity that I was given.

From the comfort of my home, I explored the heart of Fiji’s climate challenges. Through daily videos and interactive sessions, I gained a profound understanding of the rich culture and diverse provinces of Fiji. It was eye-opening to witness how climate change impacts vulnerable communities, highlighting the urgency of my carbon offsetting project. The more I learnt, the more I understood the importance of action, giving me increased motivation to complete my project.

Through daily videos, I gained a vast amount of knowledge surrounding Fiji’s culture, including a range of various lifestyles and beliefs. Every week, the topic of the videos focused on a different province within Fiji, and after two months of videos, I had learnt so much about provinces such as Vanua, Lau, Ra, and Kadavu. Other cultural knowledge was shared amongst me, with there being a large focus on the Great Council of Chiefs and the traditional Fijian dance known as the Meke. The mentors and hosts spoke largely from their own personal experiences, and sessions were highly interactive and fun.

Throughout the internship, Think Pacific provided invaluable guidance and support. Weekly interactions with mentors ensured I stayed on track with my project. Their expertise and dedication to sustainability underscored the organization’s commitment to creating a meaningful impact in Fiji. On top of this, Think Pacific provided modules that were tailored towards a multitude of interests, with modules on sustainable development being the most intriguing to me.

Regarding the project I was dedicated to completing, I was presented with many options, allowing me to select from a wide array of projects in order to choose one that aligned with my interests. The option to choose a partner-organisation to collaborate with was also given to me, allowing me to branch out within the internship. But in spite of this, I pursued a project provided by Think Pacific as it was the best match for my interests. As shown in the title, my project revolved around carbon offsetting, and the useful knowledge I had gained from the previous weeks of the internship had allowed me to create a strong foundation for the project. With a newfound perspective on sustainability and climate resilience, my project highlighted the optimism surrounding Fiji’s future. The strides towards renewable energy, coupled with the dedication of organizations like Think Pacific, paint a promising picture.

As the internship drew to a close, I had the opportunity to share my project findings. My project was summarised into a PowerPoint, which I had the chance of presenting to Think Pacific. Completing this remote internship was an eye-opening journey into the heart of sustainability and climate resilience. From exploring carbon offsetting to witnessing Fiji’s transition to renewable energy, every step has reinforced the importance of collective action in the face of environmental challenges. The project I completed was extremely beneficial to me personally, and has reinforced my desire to pursue a career related to carbon offsetting. I have greatly improved my teamwork and self-leadership skills, and am very thankful for the opportunity I was given.

Sustainable Futures in Fiji: Carbon Offset Remote Internship

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