It is just approaching a year since I embarked on a journey I will remember for the rest of my life. That journey involved me to complete a semester abroad in Canada (at the University of Western Ontario to be more specific). And what an amazing four months it was! Its hard to begin where to start?!

In the first few days of upon arriving in Canada, I put my exploring cap on and headed for the Campus, and wow I was not expecting the campus to be so huge. It was something out of Hogwarts. Even after settling in,  I still could not get over the size of the campus and the facilities that came with it. What a great campus it is. Once both international students and Canadians were on campus, it was a hive of activity. Another thing that struck me was University pride. Everywhere you look, someone was wearing the University colour, purple. Whether it be a jumper, bag or even a full body tracksuit. It was great to see. Compared to U.K universities, you’re lucky enough to spot a University jumper.


People may instantly think of two things when asked what they associate with Canada. These things are  1) The Cold 2) Canadians are nice people. The first point was somewhat true in my case. For the most part, the weather was fantastic. During the time I was there, London Ontario was experiencing a heat wave. It felt like I was in the Caribbean. As you can see from the photo below. For the most part, I was cold free.

It wasn’t till near the end of my exchange I experienced the true nature of a Canadian winter. Temperatures dropped to -15 during mid December. Despite the cold temperature, my exchange would not be complete without snow. And snow I got, plenty of it in fact. Knee deep of snow.


Now moving onto my second point, addressing the stereotype of Canadians are very nice people. The stereotype lives up to its reputation.Yes, yes they are, especially if you have a British accent.

Notable highlights of my exchange of each month in pictures:









On more of a personal note, during my time on exchange I met so many great people, both local and people from all over the world. Initially before starting my exchange, I expected to make friends during my time in Canada but I did not expect to make friends for life and I feel very lucky to do so. One year on,we had a Canadian reunion and met in Prague. What a trip it was, and we plan to meet again next year.


Doing a semester enabled me to be immersed in a different culture, travel to places where not many have been, meet many wonderful people and make friends for life. Cons? Another semester needed.

It is incredible to think how fast time passed when I was out there. The advantage of doing only one semester was that my third year was split up rather nicely, essentially I only had one semester of my third year that counted towards my degree.

To finish, one piece of advice I would give to anyone thinking of doing either a semster abroad or year abroad. That is to enjoy it and make the most of it while you can.




A Semester Abroad in Canada

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