Hello all! I am going to tell you about my summer school experience! Okay Let’s begin ! Shall we? =D. So last summer I got a chance to participate in the 27th International Summer University program at one of the world leading Universities and the largest Business University in Europe – Vienna University of Economics and Business ( Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien – WU ).  Big thanks to the University of Southampton’s scholarship opportunity and study abroad team who is very supportive. It is one of the best experience of my life where I have got to spend 3 weeks in the beautiful musical city of Vienna, the place full of history and culture.

I have got to meet other summer school participants from all over the world , all together almost 30 countries ( Amazing right?) and lived in the convenience accommodation that is close to the city centre with other participants provided by WU. I have learned a lot from the summer school by being part of the post graduate program where I have got to study 3 intensive courses which are International Marketing , Global Leadership and Enterprising Behaviour. What I personally like about the courses is that the lecturers encourage students to participate fully in class which make the classroom very active with the combination of group discussions, workshops, case studies and presentations. The students also have chances to write their own essays in order to do personal research and to have clear understanding of the courses.

I must say that I have received a lot of knowledge and developed my skills in such a short time which is very beneficial for future study and career. The lecturers also encourage students to have fun while studying at the same time , for example , the Enterprising Behaviour course, students have got a chance to explore the city of Vienna while showing the acts of enterprising behaviour around the city as tasked by the lecturer. Sounds familiar? Yes, The activity is similar to the game ‘Scavenger hunt’ but bring back knowledge to the course. The lecturers are very enthusiastic to  teach students while the summer school staffs are all very friendly and willing to help.

The staffs organise a lot of outdoor activities for students after classes so students get to study hard at the same time as play hard. The activities are ranging from Vienna city tour , global companies visit to trying all kind of Viennese traditional food and drinks ( Of course, the beer tour is included 😉 for those who like to try some traditional beer!) . One of the signature of the summer school is the International cultural evening where students from different continents get to present other students about their home countries. There are varieties of creative performances by students to depict their countries’ culture and history which are very interesting and bringing so much laugh!. Also on the weekends students have their free time to plan their own trips to other countries nearby if they want =D. So if you cannot think of where to spend your summer and where to go for one of a life time exchange experience, I recommend you to go to Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU) in Vienna and you will get full of knowledge and full of fun, a good combo, isn’t it? 😉




Last Summer in Vienna!

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