University of Western Ontario exchange

Studying abroad was something i’d always wanted to do and seeing as i’m useless as foreign languages it was pretty handy that the opportunity to study in Canada came up. I was originally only supposed to be there for the

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Still not sick of snow

Sadly, coming to the end of my exchange at Western šŸ™ Here’s some stuff I’ve been doing whilst in Canada! Toronto Did a university international’s trip to Toronto and managedĀ to doĀ all the main touristy hotspots in one day which was

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London, Ontario – Part Four

The End So the time has come, my exchange in Canada is now over. After finishing my exams just before Christmas, being out here has given me the opportunity to travel around a bit. I spent Christmas with a friend

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London, Ontario – Part Three

So then, this will be my penultimate blog entry. Time has flown by unbelievably fast, but that can only mean one thing according to the age-old saying. Day *** Since I last wrote I’ve been up to a great deal

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London, Ontario – Part Two

Day *** So skipping forward a bit weā€™ll pick up just after my first class, the morning after going to a Western-run EDM rave full of seventeen year olds (Canadians actually start university at seventeen). The modules Iā€™m enrolled in

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University of Western Ontario, Canada: 2

It’s been two months now, and it’s very sad to think I’m over halfway through my time at Western. The month of October brought us midterms, Canadian Thanksgiving, Halloween and some incredibly early snow! Midterm examinations were the main focus

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