Snow, snow and more snow,
I have been in Canada for just over 2 weeks and other than the brutal temperatures that we were exposed to with the temperature struggling to get over -20 degrees in my first full week (what an introduction) I found it quite easy to get settled into my new life here thanks to the number of different opportunities within the first couple of weeks to attend events to get to know different people and talk about life back in England which was a great help aiding me to become more settled.

This weekend I was lucky enough to visit Niagara Falls with some other exchange students and it was truly amazing how big and powerful it was. I also saw my first ice hockey game which was called ā€œthe frosty mugā€ which refers to the university of Guelph annual Menā€™s varsity Hockey game which is one of the biggest sport events of the winter semester. It was a lot fun to experience a different kind of sport. When it comes to studying it quite a lot different to what I am used to back in England mainly because the work load mainly looking at quantity of work rather than the quality. You are also expected to learn a lot more theory and facts and you take a higher number of assessments whether that be in the form of class quizā€™s or midterms. Currently I am preparing for my upcoming midterms that are spread out over this last period before reading week.

Overall I am loving my time in Canada and fully recommend thinking or debating whether to do an exchange to just do it you wonā€™t regret it and have plans to explore as much of it as possible, I hope to be to see Montreal and Quebec city during reading week and at some point cross the border to America and see New york city

Toronto frozon lake


An Exciting Change

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