My Year Abroad in North West Spain: Living and Working in a Small Town

Hi! My name is Ed and I’m a 3rd Year BA French and Spanish student. I’ve just finished my year abroad in Astorga, in the north of Spain as an English Assistant in a secondary school. It’s about an hour

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A memorable summer school experience in Barcelona! (TBS)

When I arrived, I embarked on a journey that would not only broaden my horizons but also fill my summer with unforgettable memories. The vibrant streets, rich culture, and the promise of academic growth awaited me at the TBS summer

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FLASH! Aaahhh!

So, I got flashed at the other day. Like full on, pervy man, flashed. It was so traumatic so obviously I’ve got to write it all down and make you read it. Let me set the scene for you. Milly

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Isolated and Barc-alone (at first)

One thing I wasn’t prepared for on my year abroad was how difficult it was to make friends in my classes. I think this might be a Spanish/European thing, as most people I know who went to America or Australia

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Navigating the Spanish Night Out (in 6 easy steps)

Step 1: Preparation is key – eat. This is pretty standard for any night out, but it’s pretty important to eat a carby meal before drinking copious amounts of gin. We had a huge bowl of pasta at around 7

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