Sunset from my dorm room

Sunset from my dorm room

May is the beginning of the exam season for the summer term so as we moved closer to June my schedule became slightly more hectic, though not by much. Three of my six classes did not require an exam or essay, so once those ended, I had much more time to study and sightsee. However, I still had some work to complete. . I finally visited the Klementinum, which is one of the most beautiful libraries in the world. I also learned of and visited the Knihovna library, which was just as pretty, but not so extensive.

Also, May is the time that a lot of people start leaving to head back home. I personally did not have any close friends packing up in May, however there were several leaving parties happening in my dorm. Living in main land Europe though, means this isn’t such a problem. As I mentioned in another post, making friends in other countries is great when you want to travel, as you don’t have to worry so much about accommodation. This month is also a great time to travel in general. Depending on your courses, you may be finished with uni work towards the end of May, so with a lightened work load

  • Klementinum

As a lover of books, this was one of my favourite trips, the library is beautiful, and with a guided tour you get to learn a lot about the history of the building. It’s also right next to Charles Bridge and 5 minutes away from Old Town Square so an excellent place to start a day of sightseeing.

  • Knihovna

This Library is beautiful, though unlike the Klementinum, you can’t access the actually library, but rather have a view into the rooms from a hallway that holds various artefacts of its own. Still worth the trip, especially if you decide to go to the connected abbey. Student discount tickets are around 80Kč so it shouldn’t do any damage to any budgets.


  • Five Rivers Indian Kitchen and Bar

Recently went to this restaurant because we wanted Indian food. Very yummy. Also right next to Faculty of Arts building – Křižovnická 60/10, 110 00 Josefov. Decent price for a restaurant in the city.

A Year Abroad in Prague – May

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