Some of the best moments of my semester abroad was when I got the chance to travel more in Canada and the US. We had a reading week in October where I travelled to several other cities in Canada. I managed to have a packed week trip to fit in going to Montreal, Quebec City, Ottawa and Toronto! It was so amazing to go outside of the province of Ontario and to the French speaking part of Canada: Quebec. It definitely had a different vibe then the other places I had been. I went on a coach trip there and met international students from lots of different places like Mexico, Brazil and South Korea. Some of the highlights was seeing Chateau Frontenac, Notre-Dame basilica and the parliamentary Building at Ottawa the capital of Canada.
I also managed to fit in a long weekend in Chicago at the beginning of December, it was an eight-hour bus ride on the greyhound but I was really pleased I went. Other than my flight to Canada it was my first time travelling completely by myself which I was very apprehensive about, but I managed to see everything I wanted. I went to Cloud Gate and the Magnificent Mile as well as some museums. It was also a great time to go despite the cold and wet weather because they had Christmas decorations up and I went around the Christmas market.
I am also doing some more travelling over the next few weeks before I return home from my semester abroad. My parents are going out, and we’re off to sunny Florida! It really has been such an experience to be able to see so many amazing places that I otherwise would not have got the chance to. So, that it one piece of advice I can’t stress enough: travel as much as you can whilst away. Even if you don’t always have people to go with, it still a great experience to see different places!