I have now been in Adelaide for one whole month, scary times! I was talking to Molly – a fellow Soton gal here – about how it feels like we’ve been here for longer, but at the same time, it’s weird to think a whole month has already passed! I know events and time always pass like this, but knowing i’ll be back in England in less than 4 months make me wish I signed up for a year…! If you’ve got the chance to pick between a semester or two, I’d definitely pick two!!
This week assignments and the seriousness of third year has definitely hit me. The way modules are organised and examined differ quite a lot; for most of my modules in Soton I’ve had midterm and final exams, with the occasional essay assignment here and there (excluding Empirical Studies which has reports due). Yet, Adelaide modules have at least three assignments for each one, so I’m working on two at the moment and there’s also tutorial work to prep for, yet the reading is all optional (amazing!). One of the lecturers said in the first class,
“The reading is purely meant to support lecture content, why would I examine you on what I haven’t taught you? That would just be mean!”
*hint hint Southampton…*
I kid (mostly..) – there are differences in learning, and so having to constantly meet deadlines here as opposed to having lots of reading isn’t better or worse, just trying to adapt and keep up!
Tutorials so far have been interesting, it’s nice to have some classes where it’s a discussion on topics we’re studying, though a tad scary as I definitely know less than the others in a particular class – Psychology in Society – as we’re currently discussing Aboriginal identity and culture etc. and how to provide them with mental health care while still recognising their culture sees mental health differently to ours. Anyway, my Aboriginal knowledge is very minimal, so some comments people are saying include facts and information I think they take for granted that Australians know…! But heyho, means I’m learning lots!
I’ve noticed a fair few differences generally being here, so I think I’ll do a comparison blog and keep that all together rather than mention more here.
Here’s the diary part of the blog (that’s probably most for my benefit to remember everything I’ve done when I read back on this…)
Monday 8th August:
Graice, Tiz and I went to the Botanical Gardens just down the road from uni and spent the day being very English – at the first sight of sun we were on the grass tanning. I’m looking forward to Spring where more flowers will bloom 🙂 We also went for our flat meal at Nandos which was, to be honest, a tad disappointing… the burger bun was different, the lettuce was shredded not in a piece… Not like back home, but maybe that will stop me going and save me money..? Some other (non-flat 32) guys joined us, Georgia, Will, Molly and Ella which was lovely, and I had to chance to get to know Yuki more!
Tuesday 9th:
Tuesday was Census Night! So we’re ingrained in Australian history (at least for another five years) with our data.
Wednesday 10th:
The heavens opened today, so to avoid getting soaked, Molly, Grai and I stayed at at uni longer and I had a tasty burger; we also did face masks (the girls in my flat) and ate cookies…
Thursday 11th:
I had a pretty full day of uni (3 hours…my max in a day… don’t judge), so was on campus 10-7. People couldn’t decide if they were going to go out to the Duke for ESN (Exchange Student Network) Thursdays, but we ended up staying in and I taught the girls Knock Out Whist (some people call it Trumps) and Poker. Pops and Grai were both new to these games and had complete beginners luck… Pops got way too excited about winning -_- .

Friday 12th:
I started the day with a beautiful run/walk-and-talk with G before doing some work then heading to the coolest cafe we’ve been to so far! It had superhero and general film posters and merchandise all around the walls and ceiling, and the food was amazing. Chloe had been following their Instagram account for a few months and been dying to go their because the milkshakes look like works of art! I got a burger and chips – better than Nandos…- but I took photos of the girls’ milkshakes…!

Thursday 18th:
The past few days have been filled with gorgeous sunshine – I feel like I’m actually in Australia now! Though I hear it’s sunny in England too… Pops, Ophelie and I went to Hallett Cove on Monday which was stunning, there’s a 12.3k walk from there to Glenelg beach which we intend to do before it gets too warm!
Two assignments have been submitted and I’m working on my third; I’ve planned my September break travels; and I’ve got my cousins and brother arriving tomorrow/Saturday – so lots of productivity and exciting times! Back to work for me.
Happy reading,
P x