So I’m writing this post and I have less than two weeks until the end of lectures and ‘normal uni’ and then just three more weeks after that for the exam period and I will be done with second semester… WHERE HAS THE TIME GONE?!
Seriously it has gone so quickly and I think one of the reasons for this is because I feel so at home here! Canada is an amazing country and the Canadians really are ridiculously friendly! I have packed so much into my time here and plan on doing a little more yet, before I start exam revision in a couple weeks.
With some of my international friends I have visited Ottawa and Montreal, and am planning a trip to Chicago just before exams kick in! After this I will stop by the USA on my way back across the pond. My family also flew out to visit and we explored Toronto and Niagara Falls – which was well worth the second trip because the weather was fantastic!

One big bonus about having all that stress in January with Southampton exams on top of Canadian lectures and quizzes is that my summer starts on April 28th! Yes, my last exam finishes at 5pm on the 27th and I will be free until October which is truly amazing!
Studying abroad has been the best experience of my University Career and has given me so many new international friends and has helped me visit and try new things that I could never have done at Southampton! I have ice skated on the largest skating rink in the world for example, on the frozen Rideau Canal in Ottawa and explored Montreal, as well as getting out and about in Downtown London for those alcohol fuelled evenings!
I think this will be my last post – all I can say to you if you are reading this trying to decide whether to go on exchange or not is… DO IT. 🙂 Even if it’s not Canada, you will honestly have the most amazing time! It is difficult being away from your friends and family from back home, but FaceTime and Skype are amazing, and you will make so many new friends at your new university!