Oiiiii, tudo bem?
Once again, Episode for January arriving late as I have been embarking on travels!
As the academic year is topsy-turvy compared to Europe, I am currently enjoying summer holidays until the start of March, during this period I have decided to get to know better the country in which I am spending my year abroad.
I am starting in the Amazon Rainforest in the isolated tropical city of Manaus, flying to Belém… and then going by road to Rio de Janeiro in time for the famous Brazilian Carnival!
In January I passed through Belém in Pará, trying some exquisite Amazonian food such as Tacacá (a soup made of liquified mandioc, with prawns and jambú – an Amazonian leaf which numbs the mouth when eaten) , São Luís, the Lencóis Maranhenses, the Parnaíba Delta and ended the month in Jericoacoara beach in Ceará state.