My time in Australia was an amazing life experience! Come with me on an average day in my life.


6.30am: The Aussies are early risers! Probably because it’s the only time to escape the heat. Looking out of my window I can already see many joggers out, the local café is full, and I can hear the hustle outside of my room.

6.40am: meet my friend for breakfast and a coffee… coffee is very important to the Australians, very cheap as well!

7am: Get ready for Class.

8am: Class starts early here… and no one misses their 8am

12pm: Classes finished for the day! I tripped home quickly to pack up my bags and grab my swimsuits for the beach.

12-1pm: Travel to the ferry terminal

1pm: Catch a ferry to Maggie Island!

1pm-2pm: My friends and I hiked to a remote beach (Radical Bay) … definitely don’t make the mistake we made and hike during the high heat of the day…

2pm-5pm: We snorkelled, swam, cliff jumped and ate the picnic we brought… also topped up the glowing tan.

5pm-7pm: Hiked back to the local village… better at this time not in the heat!

7pm-8pm: Grabbed dinner in Horseshoe Bay with some Maggie locals

8pm-10pm: Travelled back Home to JCU.

10.30pm: Bedtime!

Most Days consisted of uni in the morning and then some sort of beach activity in the afternoon. I also had Labs in the afternoons on some days, which I spent assessing different rock types.

A Day In the Life of a semester abroad student in Australia!

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