X-rays and sunshine

I wasn’t planning on writing another post before travelling but given something funny actually happened I thought I’d share it and just write about my last week. As of today, everything to do with travelling is booked! Flights are all sorted,

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My Semester in Numbers

So it’s no surprise to my friends I like numbers and stats and maths etc., so I want to summarise my time in Australia with numbers from July 5th when I left London Heathrow, to December 11th when I land

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Finished exams!

Since my last post, I’ve done three exams and some random bits and bobs to make the most of my last week and a bit in Adelaide. So here’s a list of random stuff I’ve done which isn’t work: almost got

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The past few weeks

I haven’t written a blog in a few weeks so I thought I’d use this as a revision break: I’ve spent more and more time working; on my lit review and starting revision for exams as my first one is

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A Great Time on The Great Ocean Road

As soon as I landed from Bali I had just enough time to unpack my clothes, submit a few essays before I was back at Adelaide airport and on my way to Melbourne with Tiz. We were spending the first

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The Week I Went to Bali

The first week of spring ended opposite to how it had started, with what seemed to be endless amounts of rain, making the past weeks warmer weather seem long gone! All the locals keep saying how it has been the

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