Beautiful India India is a state of spirit, where chaos is peace. Where God exists and it’s everywhere and in everything. Where people live together and learn to love each other everyday. For three weeks, I filled my soul and
Read moreBeautiful India India is a state of spirit, where chaos is peace. Where God exists and it’s everywhere and in everything. Where people live together and learn to love each other everyday. For three weeks, I filled my soul and
Read moreWhen applying for my exchange, I instantly knew that Canada was the place I wanted to head to. It’s always been on my bucket list and the opportunity to live there for 8 months rather than just visit was too
Read moreHi everyone, I am a third year law student, and for 2018-19, I am studying abroad at Xiamen University, China. Without realising, half of the time I will be here has already passed. I feel this is now the time
Read moreSnow, snow and more snow, I have been in Canada for just over 2 weeks and other than the brutal temperatures that we were exposed to with the temperature struggling to get over -20 degrees in my first full week
Read moreDisclaimer: this blog post is most likely littered with study abroad clichés and probably as cheesy as a large poutine covered in cheese curds so if you’re not here for that feel free to leave. To those of you who
Read moreI had never travelled outside of Europe until this summer where I was fortunate enough to get the opportunity to travel with the law school to Jindal Global University, India as part of an immersion programme. After a 10-hour overnight
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