Study Abroad in Strasbourg, France

Hi, my name is Emilie, a third year (going into fourth year) Bsc Marketing Student. I spent the last 9 months studying in Strasbourg, which is located in the Alsace region of France. Alsace is a region in France which

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Summer School at Audencia Business School

Hi, my name is Dalia and I’ve just finished my first year at the University of Southampton studying Economics and Business Management. In July, I attended a one-week summer school at Audencia Business School in Nantes, France. The module I

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Virtual Summer School experience in Audencia Business School

Hello everyone, hope you all have had and fruitful summer. My name is Allison, currently in my 3rd year being a Sociology student at the University of Southampton. During the summer, I have had a chance to study virtually for

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Beaucoup de baguettes, fromages, et bien sûr, le vin.

I am writing this blog post from my french apartment with the sun shining through the window and a glass of wine at hand. My year here in Toulouse, France is soon to come to a close and it is

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One, two, three, four, five; Once I caught a fish alive!

I’m in France for my Year Abroad and I usually find myself writing up the week’s worth of events which normally contain at least one stupidity. But hopefully the foolish things that I get up to will be amusing for

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