Tranquilidad: My year as an ELA in Almería, Spain

Hola! My name is Mitul, a third-year BA Spanish student (going into my fourth year). Over the last 8 months, I worked as an English Language Assistant in the province of Almeria, situated in Andalucía.  Almería is a beautiful region

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Psycholinguistics in University Utrecht

On the 24th of August, I started my psycholinguistics program for 5 days at University Utrecht. This is an elementary course for studying psycholinguistics. Still, the team from Study Abroad and Exchange help me find this suitable course for me

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Tips to make your Canadian Year abroad easier

I spent my year abroad in London Ontario Canada at Huron college where I studied English. The trip had it’s ups and downs but I want to focus on giving some practical tips that will hopefully help. Had I known

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Two Weeks in Seoul

Arrival It begins with an eleven hour flight, leaving at 20:50 on Thursday night and landing at 15:50 KST on Friday. It is warm, I am tired, and the continent is brand new to me. Travelling alone is a novel

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The American Experience Part 1

As my short time in America is quickly coming to an end, I wanted to share my personal experience with the country of the red, white and blue. It was a unique experience and I want to thank the University

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The road ahead…

I am now at the start of the second semester, and I cannot believe how quickly my time has been passing since I have been here. All of a sudden I can feel my mind-set has changed. I previously counted

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