Moving and Settling In

18th July: 12:52 So I’m sitting on the plane between two strangers waiting to take off…and I was trying to knit, but my hands were shaking, so I thought I’d write this instead. As most other exchange students do I

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5 things I wish I had known/done before going on an exchange to Canada

Money money money if I could go back I would without a doubt have worked for at least a month before going for my year abroad and saved up as much as possible, unfortunately i didn’t and found myself always

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Crime, Law and Psychology: An Experience in Prague

Not so long ago, I was extremely lucky to have just returned from a week in Prague, Czech Republic, to take part in the programme known as the Prague Summer School. While there were many courses on offer, the Crime,

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The Ultimate Guide to Sydney

As cliched as it sounds, 6 months will pass in the blink of an eye. So make the most of every moment! The time I spent at the University of Sydney was some of the best of my life, and

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If You Wanna Be a Badger Then Come Along With Me…

By the bright shining light of the moon! That is just a short snippet of the many University of Wisconsin varsity songs that I sang over and over at basketball and ice hockey games. I have been back in the

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Prague Crime, Law and Psychology Summer School 2016

Just got back from a great week-long summer school in Prague and feeling sad that it’s over. What an amazing experience… As a psychology undergrad with an interest in criminology and forensic psychology in particular, I found this week to

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