My name’s Edward Dunn and I’ve been in Potsdam (Germany) for about two weeks now and I am feeling very settled in. It’s strange, because I feel like the friends I’ve made here, the experiences I’ve had and the memories
Read moreMy name’s Edward Dunn and I’ve been in Potsdam (Germany) for about two weeks now and I am feeling very settled in. It’s strange, because I feel like the friends I’ve made here, the experiences I’ve had and the memories
Read moreThis summer I spent 8 weeks studying at the University of California, Berkeley and all I can really say is that the experience was amazing and I enjoyed every single moment of it, not once did I feel homesick. I
Read moreMy year abroad has come to an end! A lot has happened in the last few months, but, seeing as I spent the year as a student, I thought I’d focus this post on the differences between my home university
Read more[Taken from my blog at]. Hi! No theme to the blog post this week, just a few anecdotes and things I’ve done since last time… This semester I’ve started to get more involved in ESN (Erasmus Student Network) activities,
Read moreFor me, being a language student has for years entailed speaking the target language in the classroom and mainly switching back to English otherwise. However, living in Spain for my year abroad has started to give me a different perspective
Read more[Taken from my blog at] Rewind to the beginning of my second year, and I was running around SUSU (the Students’ Union at Southampton Uni) trying out lots of taster sessions, including a lot of martial arts (I had
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