More Reunions–Vietnam Thailand and Singapore

Landing in Hanoi I felt rather ill so I immediately left the airport for some ā€˜airā€™, little was I to know that Hanoi would be the most polluted place I have ever visitedā€”which would really take its toll on my

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Pre-Departure Fears and The First Few Hours.

Out of the Frying Pan Leading up to my departure from the humble streets of London for the great unknown that was (and is) Seoul, the one word I noticed bouncing around in relation to me and my travels was

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Travelling Alone: A mistake?

Travelling Alone: A mistake? SteppingĀ on to a planeĀ that would take me across the world to an unknownĀ place, away from my friends, my family, my comfort, filled me with a lot of anxiety thereā€™s no denying that. The idea of travelling

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If You Wanna Be a Badger Then Come Along With Me…

By the bright shining light of the moon! That is just a short snippet of the many University of Wisconsin varsity songs that I sang over and over at basketball and ice hockey games. I have been back in the

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First signs of Canadian Spring?

Well hello again to you! A little update on the weather report… positive temperatures have been reached!! Yippeeeee!! Ā I’m beginning to sound like a broken record regarding the weather but it is such a novelty. I don’t want to tempt

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Canadians Hate the Cold (Pre-Reading Week)

Howdy folks, Into the second blog post already, the time is flying! I thought I’d cover just a few things I’ve been up to and what’s surprised me over these past couple of weeks in the run up to Reading

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