“Give yourself a mountain, the view at the top is worth the climb.”

It has only been seven weeks but I can truthfully say that this experience has changed my life thus far. When I arrived, my roommate met me and helped me bring my belongings from the airport shuttle to our home

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O-Week, Niagara Falls and Hail Stones

                        If I had to sum up Canada in one word, my immediate thought would be ‘huge’. Huge cars, huge roads, huge distances between literally everything, huge portions… you

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HURON! Oi Oi Oi!

Arriving in Canada for Huron’s International Pre-Orientation week barely gave me any time to catch my breath – or recover from the jet lag – before being thrown head-first into Western’s ‘O-Week’. After some hesitance and confusion at the constant

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London Is Calling

Deleware, Deleware, Del-A-Ware echoes through the residence. There is no doubt that Canadians have school spirit. O-Week, known in the UK as “Freshers”, is packed with rallies, dances, chants and my personal favourite a 7AM wake up call. As the

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Singapore – First Impressions and Food

After a lot of uncertainty and minute fears, Radek and I finally met each other and took off towards what could possibly be the best academic year so far. Especially for me, since I’m doing my last year here. The flight was

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My First Weeks in Singapore

After finally landing (after 21 hour flight with 8 hour transit in Qatar) in Singapore Changi Airport all that was left to do was to pass through the immigration check. At first I was a bit nervous as to wether

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