An unforgettable experience

I remember being told that your year abroad would be an unforgettable, once-in-a-lifetime experience. But in all honesty, the prospect of my year abroad seemed somewhat scary. I’d no longer be two hours away from home and I was SO

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One year later, Hong Kong summed up!

Reflection So I am writing this post a year after getting on that first flight to Hong Kong; a flight that led to a destination I now call my second home. Yes, this may seem a bit premature considering I

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How Switzerland Saved Me: A Retrospective on my Year Abroad

Preparing for the year. A year abroad is a daunting prospect. To be thrown into another country with no one you know, little real understanding of the area until you actually get there and an array of opportunities ahead of

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Some amazing places you got to visit in Hong Kong! Pictures speak

Hi everyone, my name is Jessie, a Third Year undergraduate student at Southampton university, studying LLB Law & International Legal Studies. This is my first blog post. I went on a full year’s Exchange at the Chinese University of Hong

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Hey guys, just to let you know there’s beer up on the roof…

Much like Hong Kong, before visiting I was pretty apprehensive about what I would find when I went there. No amount of googling was enough to reassure me, and despite all the snooping I’d done on the net, I still

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I came, I saw, I loved it: Hong Kong

Our Winter semester at Dongguk officially ended on the 18th of December, but the modules I had taken ended some days earlier. Academic years in Korea run along the calendar year, so their first semester begins in March, while Semester 2

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