The Last Few Weeks

Unlike the majority of my time here in Adelaide, the last few weeks have been pretty calm and boring, filled with revision and spending countless hours sat in my room with my head buried in piles of paper. Finally, I’m

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Finished exams!

Since my last post, I’ve done three exams and some random bits and bobs to make the most of my last week and a bit in Adelaide. So here’s a list of random stuff I’ve done which isn’t work: almost got

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Perth, WA: The One Where I Talk About Real Life

As was mentioned in my last entry, the month of October was always bound to be when I had to hit the books. With four essays to write and then an exam on the 1st of November, there has been

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Money, midterms and Montreal

So another month down and I’ve reached the halfway point of my Canadian adventure, but that’s ok because a lot can happen in a month… Update on October: •So after a long arduous ordeal that felt like it would NEVER

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Vamos a la Atacama

A 2 day public holiday for All Saints Day meant we took the opportunity to escape up north to visit the Atacama Desert and take a tour of the south western Bolivian national parks. We arrived in San Pedro de Atacama, effectively

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