5 unexpected things that happen on your year abroad

I know the title sounds very BuzzFeedy, but here we go… You become the local celebrity At my church here in Belo Horizonte, everyone knows my name. Whenever anything to do with foreigners, international events or England is mentioned I

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The Tassie Times

My steps follow the path to the airport, a tiny building similar to petrol stations in the UK.  Finally inside, I look around and see the smallest baggage line my eyes have ever witnessed. It’s empty but I can already

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Perth, WA: The One Where I Go Home, and Then Get Out Of My Depth

There will be people who tell you that going on a year abroad is nothing more than a six-month/year long holiday. I would refute that allegation, but this blog entry is not going to back me up on this. I

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Torres del Paine National Park, Patagonia

This month’s blog is a little different, in that it describes a trek I recently completed, and gives some useful tips for anyone who is embarking on the same adventure! Enjoy! February saw the arrival of my Dad in Chile for 2

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Traveling to your destination

My study abroad placement was Adelaide, South Australia. When I left England on the 14th February I would never have thought it would take me a grand total of 50 hours to arrive at my final destination. Missing a flight

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Views from the 6ix…

So I’ve completed my first month studying at OCADU in Toronto, Canada! I’ve done the obligatory trip up the CN tower, visited Niagara Falls on the coldest day of the month (brrrrrrrr!) and went to an Ice Hockey game.  

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