Look! British Ellie has evolved into Canadian Ellie!

So within the last month I may possibly have turned slightly Canadian… I willingly say “eh” at the end of sentences. I don’t find -12⁰C that cold anymore. My go-to coffee shop is of course Tim Horton’s (Timmy’s 4 Life

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Canadians celebrate Pancake Day too (or my second month in Canada).

Well, another month has passed already and in that time midterms have been and gone, as has Spring Break. Unfortunately in Canada we only get one week off as opposed to one month like back home in Southampton, so I

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So You’re British, Ey

If you are thinking, even for a second, about going on an Exchange, go. You will not regret it. It will undoubtedly be one of the most memorable experiences of your life. Although my first month here in London (it’s

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First month in Canada

So today it is exactly one month since I arrived in Canada, and it’s gone so fast! Western already feels like a home to me, and though many students hate the almost constant snow flurries, I love them because snow

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Mid-terms followed by Cuba Libres

As finals and important deadlines loom, Western has acquired a conscientious air, quite distinct from the early days of O-week and Homecoming. Deadlines now seem to be twice weekly, which has been difficult to get used to compared to the

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So long, farewell…

Saying the final goodbyes lasted for about 3 weeks as everyone left in dribs and drabs, as soon as their final exam had finished. It was emotional saying goodbye to a group of friends who had essentially become an international

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