The Xiamen Summer School has been very interesting and enlightening. Not only did we learn about the Chinese economy but also their lifestyle and culture.

We were lucky enough to attend lectures

I thoroughly enjoyed the Gulang Island trip, where we got to explore the different attractions. My favourite part was probably going to every single pearl shop! We got to see the pearls being taken out of the shells and being turned into beautiful necklaces and bracelets. We also got to try different types of tea which was fun, since it was free. Another activity I also enjoyed was martial arts and even though it was extremely hot and tiring, it was good opportunity to learn it.

Trying the Chinese food was amazing but also very different compared to the ‘Chinese food’ we have here.  After adapting to the change, I enjoyed trying their different cuisines, and food we would never ever try, like octopus or chicken feet. My favourite was probably the soy sauce ice cream! Even though you couldn’t actually taste the soy sauce, it tasted amazing.

This experience has been an eye-opener to say the least and would definitely recommend students to go on this once in a lifetime opportunity.


Xiamen Summer School

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