My time in Strasbourg, France (A year at Strasbourg University)

Hi, I’m William and I am a third-year student in the Southampton University language faculty! I have just spent the past 10 months on exchange at the University of Strasbourg in Eastern France. As part of the 4 year language

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My year abroad Experience in the South of France

Hello, my name is Nadine, and I am currently studying business management and French at University of Southampton. For my third year, I studied in Aix-en-Provence at Aix-Marseille university. It is a city that is just north of the well-known

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My year abroad in Lille

Hello! My name is Jodie and I have just returned from my year abroad in France where I studied maths in the Université de Lille from August 2023 until May 2024. My year abroad was an incredible experience where I

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A Year in Aix-en-Provence

Hi, I’m Steffan Jones and I’m currently enjoying the tail end of my year abroad spent in Aix-en-Provence, France as part of my MLang degree in French and Linguistics. Presented with the potential option universities for the year abroad in

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My Year Abroad in North West Spain: Living and Working in a Small Town

Hi! My name is Ed and I’m a 3rd Year BA French and Spanish student. I’ve just finished my year abroad in Astorga, in the north of Spain as an English Assistant in a secondary school. It’s about an hour

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