Semester Abroad Top Tips!

Hi! I am Issy, a final year Economics student who has just finished my semester abroad at Charles University in Prague! Reflecting on my time abroad, I have put together some top tips to help future students prepare for their

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Semester Abroad – Penn State

Hi! My name is Sam and I’m a 3rd year mechanical engineering student here at Southampton. I have recently returned from a semester abroad exchange which Southampton was kind enough to offer as part of my degree program, and wanted

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My Study Abroad Year: The Kiwi Summer Adventure (The North Island)

With my first Trimester at the University of Wellington completed… I was itching to get out and explore as soon as possible. This blog entry not only documents my journey across the North Island of New Zealand as I travelled

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Studying in New Zealand – A Midpoint Reflective

As I am writing this, I am about to begin my second trimester at the Te Herenga Waka Victoria University of Wellington and, before recounting my summer holidays during which I explored both the North and South Island (or Te

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Semester Abroad in Sweden – My Experience

Reflecting on a semester abroad in Sweden offers a compelling narrative of cultural immersion, academic enrichment, and personal growth. As a third-year mechanical engineering student, I embarked on this journey to Linköping University with the intention of broadening my educational

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Geneva, is it worth it?

Hi, my name is Gabriele, I am a third-year Politics and International Relations student and I have just finished my semester exchange in Geneva, Switzerland! I have absolutely loved my entire time there and have made friends from all across

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